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Thursday, September 27, 2012

I can't believe I am saying this....

OK so last weeks goal of healthier sleep has had some struggles.  One is that I forgot how exhausting it was growing a person in the first trimester.  So I keep napping nearly every chance I get.  Which of course makes it a little more difficult to get to bed at bedtime.  I also have a variety of other symptoms making it hard for me to sleep.  Last night I was severely nauseated and ended up having a banana, slice of cheese and some crackers and peanut butter in the hopes of staving off the nausea.  Plus I am getting lots of headaches that I try really hard to ignore rather than taking medicine for.   You see I have migraine medicine for pregnancy however it has caffeine in it and I didn't want to take it before bed.   Plus I am just trying to minimize how much meds I take if possible.  I know that within a few weeks I should have a "system" in place where I can get on a schedule for healthy sleep and taking care of these symptoms.  So ALL that to say.....I'm still working on it.  Now I am throwing another goal in the mix....

Once upon a time I never drank coffee.  Then I would drink one cup in the morning when I worked.  Eventually that became a morning cup and a late afternoon cup every day to keep me going.  (maybe this was all needed because of the bad sleep habits!?) Another once upon a time I was also a LARGE consumer of diet soda.  Like seriously ridiculous amounts.  And my other beverages? Something with NutraSweet like Crystal Light or some form of juice.  Plain regular water? Hardly ever.  Then I took a medication where all carbonated beverages tasted terrible.  I stopped drinking soda cold turkey and was on the medicine for almost two years and had no pop.  Since I have gone of the meds and pop tastes good again I have resumed drinking it a little but not nearly to what I used to.  And really all I did was increase how much of those Crystal Light type drinks I consume.  So......I'm a mess.  These are not good habits, I realize this.  Throw in a pregnancy where you are supposed to limit caffeine and NutraSweet and I am in a tough spot. 

Yesterday at work I had a cup of coffee.  My coworkers seemed a bit shocked.  I have never been that much of a rule follower but I do know that not only for my own good but for the good of my baby I need to get this in check.  I need to fall in love with drinking water so I will drink so much of it.  So my new goal is one caffeinated beverage only a day and one NutraSweet drink only a day and LOTS of water in between.  This for me is a work in progress.  Maybe one day I can eliminate it all together. It's a vice, I strongly admit it.  But I am working on improving so here we go.  Some of these changes are painful....

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