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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Health Tips Thursday

Thursday! I am always tired on Thursdays BUT my weekend starts on Thursday nights when I leave work (the joys of only working Tue/Thur) so that energizes me to push ahead. Today I want to talk a little about some general health knowledge and since we were talking about back stretches earlier this week I thought I would share some helpful info about the spine and how to take good care of it!

Anatomy 101:
This picture shows 2 vertebrae in brown.  The discs (blue) and you can see how there is a nucleus that is jelly like and a fibrous ringed outer layer.  The nerves and spinal cord are shown in yellow.  You can easily see how squeezing the front side when your body flexes can cause the jelly of the disc to bulge out and press on the nerves (ouch!).  This is what my husband had!  Not fun. That is why the stretch I showed you on Monday can counteract that by pushing the jelly back to it's desired position. 

To keep your spine healthy here are my top ten recommendations:
1. Maintain good spinal flexibility - see Monday's entry

2. Avoid excessive bending, stooping, or bending with heavy loads


Yikes! Stacy and Clinton have what not to wear.  This is definitely what not to do!

3. Use care with lifting



4. Strengthen core and leg muscles

5. Stretch leg muscles esp hamstrings


This was most definitely a major contributor to my husbands downfall.  He has in my opinion the tightest hamstrings in the history of mankind.  It's not good.  Guiness book of world records bad. As you can see the hamstrings attach at the bottom of the spine on the pelvis and as such when tight they can affect the lower back. Inflexible hamstrings can affect your posture, which also affects the lower back. Tight hamstrings can also increase your risk of injury. You don't want to end up in the O.R. like my husbands, STRETCH YOUR HAMSTRINGS!
6. Use good posture with sitting or standing


7. Use lumbar roll for pain with sitting or excessive prolonged sitting.


8. Avoid prolonged sitting.

9. Do not ignore pain for too long.  If you strain your back, ice, rest, stretch it out, try flexibility exercise from Monday looking for a movement that decreases the tissue irritation.  If it is not improving quickly call your doctor.  You would much rather try to rehab back pain that has been around for 1 week vs chronic pain for 10 years.

10. Read the book Treat Your Own Back by Robin McKenzie


My brother in law once balked at me after reading it (long after he started struggling with his back) "How could you not have recommended this book to me sooner!" (For the record I recommended a lot of stuff that was in the book but I believe his point was as a patient it is so nice to read it in a clear concise and yet explanatory manner.) Never not recommend this book any more, "Sorry, man!"
So there you have it.  David Letterman eat your heart out.  This has been Amanda's Top Ten Take Care of Your Spine Hints.  It's almost Friday everyone.....

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